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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 1 Summary of instructions

From: The role of the environment in entrepreneurial propensity of youngsters’ business ideas

Instructions for the student projects

1. Context: Students had to make their own nations’ pictures first—they had to discover first the business environment through finding some national statistical data:

 1.1. Micro sector (size, typical activities, ratio in employment, ratio in export, other information)

 1.2. SME sector (size, typical activities, ratio in employment, ratio in export, other information)

 1.3. Big companies (size, typical activities, ratio in employment, ratio in export, other information)

2. Own thinking: Then, they had to share their own ideas in light of this picture—they created a business idea and detailed how would they operate

 2.1. Investigate the launch of a business employing at least 5 people

 2.2. How much capital do you need to start officially?

 2.3. What kind of permissions do you need?

 2.4. What kind of taxes do you have to pay?

 2.5. How and with whom would you cooperate? Define some cooperative partners (other companies, institutions like universities)

 2.6. Introduce a SWOT as a summary of the above-mentioned instructions

  1. Source: own source based on the empirical survey represented in the paper