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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 3 Factor analysis of the intellectual capital scale

From: Intellectual capital factors at work in Dominican firms: understanding their influence

Human capital

Structural capital

Relational capital

Performance indicators

TRA (training)

DOC (documentation)

CLI (clients)

BUP (business performance)

HC2101: Training and education program

SC2301: Manual job description

RC2702: Existence of customer database

BUPER1801: Launching more products (goods or services) than the competition

HC2102: Improvement of technical skills

SC2302: Manuals of processes and procedures

RC2703: Existence of a system for analysis and customer classification

BUPER1802: Increasing firms’ market share

HC2103: Improvement of administrative skills

SC2304: Process maps and critical points

RC2704: Ability to identify potential customers

BUPER1803: Company is in a stronger financial and economic position

HC2104: Percentage of staff in training activities

SC2305: Report generation based on indicators

RC2705: Capacity to measure customers’ satisfaction

BUPER1804: Shareholders and partners pleased with firms’ performance

HC2105: Average hours of training per employee

SC2306: Documentation of corrective actions

RC2706: Degree of customers’ satisfaction

BUPER180: Expanding to new regional and international markets

HC2106: Average annual investment in training

ICT (information and communication technologies)

RC2707: Capacity to track and recover customers

INP (innovative performance)

ENV (learning environment)

SC2601: Quality of ICT infrastructure (hardware and software)

SUP (suppliers)

INPER1701: Introduction of new products (goods or services)

HC2201: Supportive and stimulating environment for learning

SC2602: Percentage of workers with access to terminals

RC2901: The company has legally established suppliers

INPER1702: Improving new products (goods or services)

HC2203: Stimulating environment for team working

SC2603: Automation of production process of goods and services

RC2902: Preference for accredited and certified suppliers

INPER1703: Introduction of new production processes

HC2204: Degree of workers’ commitment and engagement

SC2604: Automation of the procurement process

RC2903: Strong relationships with suppliers

INPER1704: Introduction of a new market or distribution methods

HC2205: Good communication between managers and staff

SC2605: Automation of customer management process

IMA (firm image)

INPER1705: Introduction of new management or organization methods

SPE (specialized workers)

IPU (intellectual property)

RC3001: Policy of corporate social responsibility


HC1902: Percentage of workers with a college education

SC2504: Degree of use of IP international procedures (PCT, USA, Japan, EU)

RC3002: Bargaining power of firm as a brand


HC1903: Percentage of workers with graduate education

SC2505: Degree of the legal protection of developed innovations

RC3003: Firms’ prestige


EXP (employee permanence)

SC2506: Degree of protection trademarks

COP (cooperation)


HC2005: Employee turnover rate

R&D (research and development)

RC2801: Degree of interest in strategic alliances (other firms and actors)


HC2006: Years of tenure of workers (experience)

SC2307: R&D expenditure

RC2802: Capacity to identify competitors


POL (human resources policy)

SC2308: Time development and launch of products and services

RC2803: Ongoing cooperative initiatives with other actors


HC2001: Human resource policy (equal employer)

  1. In bold, the different dimensions of the IC components analyzed are highlighted