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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 1 Overview of previous studies

From: Selfish personalities influencing start-up intention and motivation: a study of Vietnam

Author (year)

Start-up intention and motivation (independent variable)

Selfish and other personality indicators

Theory applied


Altinay et al. (2012)

Entrepreneurial intention

Family tradition (+)

Locus of control (insignificant)

Innovativeness (+)

Propensity to take risks (+)

Tolerance of ambiguity (insignificant)

Need for achievement (insignificant)

McClelland’s motivation theory

United Kingdom

Antoncic et al. (2015)

Entrepreneurship (activity and propensity)

Openness (+)

Conscientiousness (insignificant)

Extraversion (+)

Agreeableness (+)

Neuroticism (insignificant)

The discovery theory of entrepreneurial action


Brunell et al. (2008)

Emergent leadership

Narcissism (+)

Theory of emergent leadership

United States

Chen et al. (1998)

Entrepreneurial intentions


Self-efficacy (+)

Social learning theory

Expectancy theory

United States

Crant (1996)

Entrepreneurial intentions

Proactive personality scale (+)

Interactionist theory

United States

Haynes et al. (2015)

Financial success of young start-up

Greedy leader (–)

Hubristic leader (−)

Theory of greed and hubris

United States

Hmieleski and Lerner (2016)

Entrepreneurial intentions

Narcissism (+)

Psychopathy (insignificant)




United States

Unproductive entrepreneurial motives

Narcissism (insignificant)

Psychopathy (+)

Machiavellianism (+)

Life History

Theory and Social Exchange Theory

Productive entrepreneurial motives

Narcissism (insignificant)

Psychopathy (+)

Machiavellianism (insignificant)


Littunen (2000)

Entrepreneur's personality characteristics

Entrepreneurship (+)

McClelland’s theory

Rotter’s locus of control theory


Achievement motivation

Entrepreneurs' co-operation (−)

Entrepreneurs' personal interest network (+)

Control of powerful others

Entrepreneurs' co-operation (−)

Mathieu and St-Jean (2013)

Entrepreneurial Intentions

Narcissism (+)

Career choice theory

Person-environment fit theory
