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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 1 Some indicators to measure positioning

From: Defining entrepreneurial success to improve guidance services: a study with a comprehensive database from Andalusia





Economic profitability

Peters and Waterman (1982); Schmalensee (1985); Covin and Slevin (1990); McGahan (1990); Rumelt (1991); García and Álvarez (1996); Camisón (1997); Pelham (1997); Galán and Vecino (1997); McGahan and Porter (1997); Gadenne (1998); Mauri and Michaels (1998); Camisón (1999); Pelham (2000); Camisón (2001); Donrrosoro et al. (2001); Van Praag and Versloot (2008); Ireland et al. (2009); Alene (2020)


Hamilton (2000)

Annual results

Hernández et al. (2005); Vergiú and Bendezú (2007); De Jaime (2010); Varona et al. (2014)

Annual productivity

García and Álvarez (1996); Camisón (1997); Marbella (1998); Camisón (2001); Almeida and Fernando (2008)

Investment/employment ratio

Soto (2008)


Financial profitability (and external funding)

Covin and Slevin (1990); García and Álvarez (1996); Camisón (1997); Marbella (1998); Camisón (2001); Morillo (2001)


Economic profitability, financial profitability, asset turnover and indebtedness

March (1999)


Indicators of activity

Peteraf (1993); Camisón (1997); Camisón (2001); Delmar and Shane (2004)

Indicators of internationalisation

Dorronsoro et al. (2001)

Degree of innovation

Marbella (1998)

Wealth or value creation indices

Kay (1993); Westhead and Cowling (1995); Almus (2002)

Tobin’s Q ratio

Wernerfelt and Montgomery (1988); McGahan (1999)

Capacity for innovation

Peters and Waterman (1982); Shepherd et al. (2000)

Socio-economic contribution

Camisón (2001); Paige and Littrel (2002); Araujo de la Mata et al. (2008)

Competitive position of the company

García and Álvarez (1996); Camisón (2001); Hult et al. (2005); Aragón and Rubio (2005)

  1. Source: own elaboration