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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 1 10 projects for innovative engineers

From: Contradiction-oriented problem solving for innovations: five opportunities for China’s companies


Location of company

Main products

Project name

Original situation

Domain Problem

TRIZ problem




Construction machineries

A new bridge girder erection machine for small curves

The development of high-speed railway in china needs a bridge girder erection machine for small-curve roads. But structures for the machines used now are weighty and costs more for constructing the bridges over this kind of roads

How to decrease the weight of the structures and costs of the machines and keep the functions and performances

A technical contradiction

Two patents



Valves with big diameters

A new class valve for energy saving

In some iron and steel plants stiffened plates are added to increase the strength of a class valve for its application in a higher pressure situation. Sometimes a butterfly valve is needed. This results in some harmful effects, such as high cost, complex process, and increased weight

How to design a class valve which has the ability to bear high pressures in double directions? At the same time, the butterfly valve should not be needed for the new design

A technical contradiction

Two new products for the specific application



New materials for batteries

A new process for producing a new material

A material with high performance used in batteries is produced in one company in Japan and two in Korea in the world now. The company has high pressure to improve its production processes in order to produce the material of the kind with acceptable performances

How to reduce the amount of oxygen gas, or even better, in atmospheric conditions, to achieve a synthesis reaction

A physical contradiction

A new process to produce the new material with high performance



Drilling machines

Improvement of the structure for a spiral drilling rod

A structure attached to the spiral drilling rod for a kind of drilling machine could not fulfill the function of cleaning soil well. This results in low efficiency for drilling and safety problems

How to make redesign for the structure that cleans the soil well

A technical contradiction

A patent




Improvement of the corrosion resistance for a battery frame

The improvement of the corrosion resistance for a battery frame is the market need of the company. But the improvement results in increasing the cost. This is not allowed in this company

How to make an improvement of the corrosion resistance with low cost

Three technical contradictions

Two patents



Water heaters

Improvement of welding process for a kind of heat exchanger

A kind of heat exchanger is made of aluminum. The quality of the component using the welding process now is good. But the process is too complex to be simplified in order to increase the manufacturing efficiency

How to simplify the welding process and keep the quality at the same time

A technical contradiction

The improved welding process



Engineering plastics

A new process to eliminate the impurities in an engineering plastic

The process being used needs a lot of water to eliminate the impurities. The water needs to be heated and energy is consumed. The treatment of used water also needs energy consumption

How to decrease the amount of water used in this process and keep the quality

Two technical contradictions

Three patents




A new process to remove burrs in elements

The method to remove burrs in elements of a watch is artificial process under microscopes with low efficiency, damaging the elements easily; unstable quality

How to design a new process to increase efficiency, lowering damage and keeping high quality

A technical contradiction

New process, which is applied and has good results



New product development

Improvement of assorting machine for specific bottles

A sorting machine for bottles is being developed. One function of the machine is to measure the inside and outside diameters of the bottles during transmitting them. The current design shows low measuring efficiency

How to overcome the contradiction between measuring efficiency and complexity

Two technical contradictions

A new product, which has been developed and sold



Hydraulic machines

The heat radiation for electric element in a control system

The company is developing a big actuator and its control system. The electric element in the system will produce heat during the work. The working temperature for the element should not be higher than a certain numerical value

How to make a redesign for the specific electric element to reduce its working temperature

Eight technical contradictions

New concept has been develop

ed for the heat radiation system