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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 3 Categories of support activities carried out by the university (Cronbach's α)

From: Barriers to Third Mission: organizational and individual antecedents


Promotional activities


Management processes

Consulting during and after the relationship

Relationship consulting

Production of brochures and catalogs



Informative e-mails




Meetings and events




Exhibition at fairs


Trade show attendance


Information about: actors in the socioeconomic environment




Calls and requirements


Industrial/intellectual property


Potential partners or allies


Contract negotiation




Administration and execution of contracts and agreements


Coordination of relations between researchers and funding entities


Education and training in knowledge transfer


Valuation and Protection of Intellectual Property


Control and monitoring of knowledge transfer projects and programs


Allocation of infrastructure for the development of knowledge transfer projects


Participation in public and private programs and calls for proposals



Technical feasibility studies


Identification of problems


Financing alternatives and access to resources


Formulation of proposals


Negotiation of proposals and/or projects




Legal aspects in the initiation and execution of projects


Preparation of budgets


Signing of contracts or agreements


Design of exploitation plans


Intellectual / industrial property
