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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 1 Pain points and recommendations that are incorporated to develop the Augmented Stage-Gate framework

From: New product development process and case studies for deep-tech academic research to commercialization

Pain points


Uncleared business requirement and do not have yet-to-be-developed commercial applications

Encourage startups to set up the market hypothesis and then test, measure, and learn with the target users with a faster, more iterative, and inexpensive process

Lack of entrepreneurship knowledge and skill, and no time to commit to a new full-time business venture

Provide a flexible and systematic entrepreneurial development program and innovation clinic along the way to help increase skills, confidence, and entrepreneurship mindset to be ready before setting a new venture

Lack of business network

Connect to the network of mentors and alumni who have business backgrounds in the same domain

Require large amount of financing

Encourage the startups to have an awareness, strategy and be active in fundraising activities since the beginning

Research-to-commercialization journey is unclear so sometimes the project team loses confidence and morale

Provide the network of process management specialists and mentors to guide along the whole journey

Apply the concept of Agile development process

Need strong help on IP, legal and regulatory related issues as they are important for the business strategy and might be a roadblock

Provide legal experts to assist

The technology and research are complex and hard to be assessed and understood by out-of-domain stakeholders

Encourage the startups to quickly develop and demonstrate the user-facing prototype, which can be nonfunctional at the beginning, with the goals of measuring customer satisfaction or purchase intent

Provide assessment tools for the startups and committees to evaluate and communicate the development progress in terms of technology and business

Require lengthy time-to-market

Encourage the startups to apply the concept of Adaptive and Flexible and Agile development and also find the quick win strategy in order to split tasks and possible to set up the goal for both short term and long term