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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 9 Synthesis of a future research agenda

From: A scientometric analysis of entrepreneurial and the digital economy scholarship: state of the art and an agenda for future research


Avenues for further work

Entrepreneurial ecosystems

Future studies are recommended to:

 Explore how entrepreneurial ecosystem components (e.g., entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers) respond to external shocks and crises

 Examine how interactions between entrepreneurial ecosystem components could affect entrepreneurial resilience and self-efficacy

 Empirically assess how networks, intermediaries, and other institutional structures facilitate ecosystem components’ contacts and motivate entrepreneurial endeavors among different contexts

 Examine how stakeholders in the ecosystem negotiate cross-border disparities in institutional, cultural, and regulatory frameworks and how those differences affect the outcomes of their entrepreneurial activities

 Develop a framework for evaluating entrepreneurial ecosystems and determining the crucial indicators to gauge the efficiency of various ecosystem components

 Investigate how ecosystem stakeholders might improve the diversity and inclusivity of entrepreneurs’ environments from various backgrounds and how this impacts the outcomes of entrepreneurial activities

Digital technologies and innovation

Future studies are recommended to:

 Investigate how disruptive technologies affect innovation and entrepreneurial activities

 Explore how businesses (entrepreneurs) could adapt to disruptive technologies to maintain a competitive advantage

 Understand the ethical and societal ramifications of digital technology, along with the ways in which businesses could establish responsible innovation strategies that consider such concerns

 Empirically examine the dynamics and structure of digital ecosystems and how these ecosystems would promote innovation and provide new value

 Test how digital technologies affect education and learning and how organizations could use them to drive innovation and skill development

 Assess how businesses develop and employ effective digital transformation strategies and demonstrate how such strategies can boost creativity and productivity

 Analyze platform economies dynamics and the ways in which they might foster innovation and open novel economic opportunities

Entrepreneurial knowledge and opportunities

Future studies are recommended to:

 Investigate the impact of regional and sectoral disparities on the likelihood of entrepreneurial success

 Examine the various knowledge domains that entrepreneurs must possess to succeed

 Analyze the dynamics and organizational structure of entrepreneurial networks and the ways in which entrepreneurs could use these networks to increase their chances of success

 Examine how entrepreneurial cognition influences behavior and how business owners can develop a mentality supporting innovation and expansion, especially in developing countries (e.g., Africa)

 Explore the cognitive and behavioral processes involved in identifying opportunities and how business owners can enhance their capacity to seize possibilities

 Empirically examine the effects of innovations and AIs on various types of entrepreneurial knowledge and opportunities

 Explore how businesspeople might benefit from the current trends to produce new value

Digital entrepreneurship

Future studies are recommended to:

 Understand the impact of digital marketing and branding on digital entrepreneurship (or digital social entrepreneurship)

 Empirically examine the link between digital innovation and digital entrepreneurship in different regions

 Investigate the traits of effective digital business models and the development of new value by entrepreneurs using these models

 Analyze the ways in which digital ecosystems might promote the expansion of digital entrepreneurship

 Analyze how digital platforms affect entrepreneurship within different sectors

 Systematically review digital entrepreneurship research