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A Systems View Across Time and Space

Table 2 Characteristics of FLL-FB

From: Family-led learning through parenting in family business


Nonformal learning


Informal learning in the family


Fixed and rigid, generally published at the beginning of the year

There is flexibility in defining the schedule

Flexible, anytime and anywhere with the family can be a learning opportunity


All participants follow the same curriculum

Tailor-made curriculum, can be personalized for each individual

There is usually no fixed and written curriculum


Trainers, teachers, tutors, and mentors are often fixed and certified

There are a variety of trainers, teachers, tutors, and mentors. They can be family members, business professionals, or outside mentors; certification is irrelevant

Parents and older relatives are primarily responsible for educating the younger generation


Fixed location, and participants are required to attend the program there

Flexible; It could take place in the office, at home, at a business exhibition, or even at a competitor’s location. There is a specific rationale behind location selection

Flexible; It could be anywhere, but the family’s residence is most likely


Open to public

Open to family members in the extended family

Open to family members in the nuclear family